» » Orlando Blumning bir hafta oldin yo‘qolgan iti o‘lib qoldi. Aktyor sevimli jonivori xotirasiga tatuirovka chizdirdi

Orlando Blumning bir hafta oldin yo‘qolgan iti o‘lib qoldi. Aktyor sevimli jonivori xotirasiga tatuirovka chizdirdi

Taniqli Gollivud aktyori Orlando Blumning yo‘qolgan pudeli oradan bir hafta o‘tgach o‘lik holda topildi. Bu haqda aktyor o‘zining Instagram’dagi sahifasi orqali ma’lum qilgan.

“Mayti endi nargi dunyoda. Yetti kun shomdan tonggacha davom etgan qidiruv ishlaridan so‘ng uning bo‘yinbog‘ini topdik. O‘tgan bir hafta ichida biror kim tasavvur qilganidan ortiqroq yig‘ladim”, — deb yozadi Blum.

Aktyor o‘lgan itining xotirasiga tatuirovka chizdirgan — itning laqabi va yurak shaklidagi ramz. Blum tatuirovkani chizishga ketgan butun jarayonni namoyish etib, ko‘z yoshlarini tiya olmagan. Mayti uchun maxsus qabrtoshi ham tayyorlanib, unga “Afsuski, bu yerda yo‘qsan” deya yozuv tushirilgan.

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Mighty’s on the other side now. After 7 days of searching from sunrise to sunset and into the wee hours, today, the 7th day ~the number of completion~ we found his collar... I have wept more this week than I thought possible, which has been very cathartic and healing... I left no stone unturned, crawled thru all the man holes, under the roads, searched every back yard and creek bed. Had two separate sniffer dogs do their best as well. I feel so grateful to have learned from my little Mighty man that love is eternal and the true meaning of devotion. I feel sure he was looking down on me whistling in every back yard and knowing that I was doing all I possibly could to respect our bond. He was more than a companion. It was a soul connection for sure. I’m sorry. I love you. Thank you. RIP my MIGHTY HEART my little fellow A ??’s ??Thank you to the community for allowing me to search through their yards for him and supporting my midnight walks. It was reassuring to see the best of people even in the worst of times. To the angels of @dogdayssar I’m forever in your debt. You ladies are heaven sent. Lastly thank you to @scottcampbell for the ink. I love you brother??l

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Britaniyalik aktyor “Uzuklar hukmdori” hamda “Karib dengizi qaroqchilari” kabi filmlar orqali mashhurlikka erishgan. 2019-yilda Blum “Karnival Rou” serialida suratga tushgan.

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Manba: Daryo.uz
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