» » Gollivud aktyori Orlando Blum va qo‘shiqchi Keti Perri farzandli bo‘ldi

Gollivud aktyori Orlando Blum va qo‘shiqchi Keti Perri farzandli bo‘ldi

Amerikalik 35 yoshli xonanda Keti Perri va 43 yoshli aktyor Orlando Blum qiz farzandli bo‘ldi. Bu haqda Orlando Blum Instagram’dagi sahifasida ma’lum qildi.

Mart oyining boshida Perrining birinchi marta homilador ekani ma’lum bo‘lgandi. Xonanda bo‘lajak farzandi jinsi va u qachon dunyoga kelishi haqida ma’lumot berishni istamagan edi.

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#Repost @unicef ??? Welcome to the world, Daisy Dove Bloom! We are honoured to introduce Goodwill Ambassadors @KatyPerry and @OrlandoBloom’s new bundle of joy.? ? “We are floating with love and wonder from the safe and healthy arrival of our daughter,” Katy and Orlando told us.? ? “But we know we’re the lucky ones and not everyone can have a birthing experience as peaceful as ours was. Communities around the world are still experiencing a shortage of healthcare workers and every eleven seconds a pregnant woman or newborn dies, mostly from preventable causes. Since COVID-19 many more newborn lives are at risk because of the increased lack of access to water, soap, vaccines and medicines that prevent diseases. As parents to a newborn, this breaks our hearts, as we empathize with struggling parents now more than ever.? ? “As UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors, we know UNICEF is there, on the ground, doing whatever it takes to make sure every expecting mother has access to a trained health worker and access to quality healthcare. In celebration of the heart we know our daughter already has, we have set up a donation page to celebrate DDB’s arrival. By supporting them, you are supporting a safe start to life and reimagining a healthier world for every child. We hope your ?? can bloom with generosity.? ? Gratefully-? ? Katy & Orlando.”? ? Please tap the link in our bio to support the most precious gift: a healthy child.

A post shared by Orlando Bloom (@orlandobloom) on

26-avgusti kuni, kechqurun Orlando Blum Instagram sahifasiga, qizalog‘i Deyzi Dovning ilk suratini yuklagan. Chaqaloq dunyoga kelishi munosabati bilan yulduzli juftlik YuNISEF bolalar jamg‘armasi bilan hamkorlikni boshlab yuborgan. Murojaatlarida hammada ham tug‘ish jarayoni oson kechavermasligini ta’kidlagan mashhurlar tibbiyot xodimlari yetishmasligi, har 11 daqiqada go‘dak yoki uni dunyoga keltirgan ona dunyodan o‘tishini ta’kidlagan. Qizining dunyoga kelgani bilan tabriklashni istaganlardan esa bolalar fondiga xayriya qilishni so‘ragan.

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Manba: Daryo.uz
Опубликовано: admin (27-08-2020, 21:25)
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