» » Ikkita beluxa Shanxay okeanariumdan ozod qilindi. Ular erkin suzishga qo‘yib yuboriladi

Ikkita beluxa Shanxay okeanariumdan ozod qilindi. Ular erkin suzishga qo‘yib yuboriladi

Kichkintoy Oppoq va Kichkintoy Kulrang nomli beluxalar (delfin) Shanxay okeanariumidan Islandiyaning Klettsvik ko‘rfazidagi qo‘riqxonaga o‘tkazildi, deb xabar berdi CNN.

Ushbu beluxalar Rossiya sohillarida juda kichikligida ushlangan va 2011-yilda Rossiya tadqiqot markazidan Xitoy okeanariumiga ko‘chirilgan. Beluxalarni dengizga qaytarish g‘oyasi kitlar va delfinlarning tutqinlikda yashashiga qarshi bo‘lgan Merlin Entertainments kompaniyasi tomonidan okeanarium sotib olinganidan keyin paydo bo‘ldi. Hozirda beluxalarning uyi ularning tabiiy yashash sharoitiga maksimal yaqinlashtirilgan.

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You may be wondering what happens to the indoor care pool when Little White and Little Grey move across to the bay! We may still use this from time to time in cases of severe weather or emergencies. It will also be the quarantining space for any future belugas we rehome ???? #belugasanctuary #Whalesofinstagram #Iceland #Whalesanctuary #naturehub #naturelover #marinelife #sealife #heimaey #icelandtravel #vestmannaeyjar #beluga300

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Beluxalarni Islandiyaga olib borish oson bo‘lmagan. Har bir beluxaning og‘irligi bir tonnadan oshadi va kun davomida 50 kg baliq iste’mol qiladi. Ularni tashish uchun buyurtmaga katta zambil ishlab chiqarildi va juda ko‘p suv va muz ishlatildi. Ushbu operatsiyaga bir qancha veterinar jalb etildi.

Beluxalarni ko‘chirishning oxirgi bosqichi koronavirus pandemiyasi sababli yanada murakkablashdi, chunki ko‘chishga yordam beradigan mutaxassislarni topish muammoga aylangandi. Bundan tashqari, beluxalarni Islandiyaga olib borganlar ham karantinga yuborilgan.

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Sea Life Trust’s beluga sanctuary has announced that Little Grey and Little White will be ready to move into their sea pen sanctuary in Klettsvik Bay, Iceland, this June! This is the news we’ve all been waiting for! . Once wild and free, Little Grey and Little White were captured as young calves and sold into the marine park industry to serve as human entertainment. They ended up at Changfeng Ocean World in China and spent many years in a small indoor pool, performing for crowds each and every day. Fortunately, the young belugas experienced a twist of fate in 2012 when Merlin Entertainment purchased the marine park and branded it as Sea Life Shanghai. As Merlin Entertainment has a strict policy against keeping whales and dolphins in captivity, the company decided to start a partnership with Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC - @whalesorg) to retire the belugas and release them into a sea sanctuary. . The process of rehabilitating Little Grey and Little White for release into their natural environment started at Changfeng Ocean World. The girls were retired from performing and prepped for the 30-hour journey from Shanghai, China, to Heimaey Island, Iceland. This involved extensive training to familiarise the whales with transport stretchers and also training to improve their physical health and capabilities. The rehabilitation process continued once the girls arrived at their temporary care facility in Iceland in July 2019. Here, great emphasis was put on preparing the whales for life in the cold waters of Iceland’s Westman Islands (acclimatising them to colder temperatures, thickening their blubber, increasing the duration of their dives, etc.) and ensuring they would be comfortable with their final move to the sanctuary. . It won’t be long now before Little Grey and Little White return to their natural environment! It’s important to note they won’t be released into the wild but rather held in large sectioned off bay to live out their lives in their ocean home. Let’s hope many other captive belugas are given similar opportunities in the future! . Caption: @inherentlywild Photo: @belugawhalesanctuary

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Beluxani erkin suzishga qo‘yishdan avval ularning yangi uylari – ko‘rfazning sovuq suviga moslashishi uchun  “iqlimlashtirish makoni”ga joylashtirildi.

Kichkintoy Oppoq hamda Kichkintoy Kulrangni ko‘chirishga yordam bergan Sea Life Trust xayriya tashkilotining hisob-kitobiga ko‘ra, dunyo bo‘yicha 300 dan ortiq beluxa mavjud. Tashkilot rahbarining fikriga ko‘ra, beluxalarning dengizga qaytishi kitlar uchun ham yangi bosqich bo‘ladi.

Ma’lumot uchun, beluxa (Delphinapterus leucas) — delfinsimonlar oilasiga mansub sut emizuvchi hayvon urug‘ining yagona vakili. Tanasining uzunligi 6 metrgacha, og‘irligi 1,5 tonnagacha. Beluxalar Shimoliy Muz okeani va u bilan tutashgan dengizlarda tarqalgan bo‘lib, muzlar orasida ham uchraydi. Boshining peshona qismidagi mustahkam qadog‘i yordamida muzlarni bemalol yorib suzib yuradi. Baliqlar, qisqichbaqasimonlar va boshqa mayda hayvonlar bilan oziqlanadi. Baliqlar galalarining orqasidan daryolarga ham o‘tadi. Beluxalar poda bo‘lib yashaydi. Yirik (1,5 m keladigan) bola tug‘adi. Tutqinlikka yaxshi chidaydi. Go‘shti, terisi va yog‘i uchun cheklangan miqdorda ovlanadi.

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Manba: Daryo.uz
Опубликовано: admin (13-08-2020, 18:56)
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